Come to the Movement Building & Strategy Spaces
@People’s Summit on Sunday, March 24, 10am – 6pm!
It’s been a year since we last took to the streets against neo-colonial, fossil capital and its lobbyists during the annual European Gas Conference in Vienna – and the BlockGas Alliance decided to continue.
During the last six months, we’ve been receiving constructive feedback, criticism and interesting inputs from comrades all over the world. These inspiring conversations led us – amongst others – to important insights.
Last year’s actions were empowering and important for many, but there was not enough time to connect as movements, deepen existing connection and have shared spaces for strategy development. We lack to create long lasting international networks, that are flexible but stable enough to intervene in globalized power relations. That’s why we decided to create specific strategy spaces* for all of us to extend on these mentioned insights and advance transnational coordination.
Let’s try to answer the following questions together:
- Which globalized power relations are we confronted with at the moment?
- Which points of interventions** do we chose / have we chosen as part of our strategy to intervene in these globalized power relations and why?
- Can we agree on a tendency which point of intervention is ‘worth’ pooling international resources?
If you share our passion for internationalist strategy and coordination, please feel invited to meet with us on Sunday, March 24, from 10am – 6 pm at Gusshausstraße 14 1040 Vienna, Transform Bureau!
Please try to be there for the entire day because the strategy sessions work best in its coherence when attended consecutively. The spaces will be held in English language. Unfortunately, we were not able to organize professional translation but we can try collectively to provide for whisper translation.
If you have questions or want to communicate/feedback something beforehand, feel free to write an e-mail to (PGP key is to be found here).
* The spaces were prepared by the Alliance Working Group of the BlockGas Alliance. More info about the people’s summit program is to be found here:
**We are aware that most of us have been mainly focused on strategies against the gas-industrial-complex but we especially want to look beyond topic-focused activism; please feel also invited if you do not specialize on anti-gas-strategies.