Call for demonstration: STOP THE GAS LOBBY – in Vienna and everywhere!
27.03.24 | 17 Uhr | Vienna
Demonstrate together against the gas lobby and for an energy transition from below!
Bring your cooking pots, lids and spoons on Wednesday, March 27 and come to the demonstration against the European Gas Conference!
The year 2023 goes down as the hottest in recorded history. CO2 emissions reach a record high, while wars and neo-colonial exploitation are on the rise. But from March 26 – 28, companies, financial institutions and politicians are meeting away from the public eye at the European Gas Conference (EGC) in Vienna to negotiate the future of our energy supply.
Last year, we took our protest to the streets – and our resistance will not be any quieter in 2024! We demand a fair energy supply and decision-making processes in the hands of the many. We are striving for socialization, a climate-friendly phase-out of fossil fuels and an end to wars. Our vision is a good and affordable life for all!
Starting points:
Walking demonstration block: Mariott Hotel, Parkring 12
Bicycle demonstration block: OMV-Zentrale, Trabrennstraße 6
Phone number of the legal aid:
+43 681 20954804